Legacy Society Donor Event Unveils Commemorative Plaques in Honor of Generous Contributors - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Publish Date: 10月. 27, 2023


The Crafton Hills College Foundation hosted a reception to honor and celebrate the generosity of Legacy Society donors on 10月ober 20. 

Seventy engraved blocks serve as a lasting testament to the unwavering dedication of donors with cumulative gifts to the college and are prominently displayed in the Crafton Center, allowing all visitors to view and appreciate the profound impact of their philanthropy.

The ceremony included a reflection from Foundation Director and Legacy Society member, Barbara 史密斯 who shared, “Having my name on the legacy wall is a very nice thank you for my donation to the college, however, the gratitude of being able to see my donations at work is beyond heart-warming.” 

Student, Daxter Serrato, provided an overview of how the funds they received helped them attend the National Conference for the Geological Society of America. Daxter explained how the extracurricular experience broadened their horizon about research 主题. “I hope my story, and my hard work highlights the importance of our donors’ investments into the hopes and dreams of the students here at Crafton,” concluded Daxter. 

The CHC Foundation is a nonprofit corporation devoted exclusively to raising funds for scholarships, grants, and other types of assistance for CHC students and faculty. Cumulative contributions over $10,000 qualifies donors for acknowledgment on the Legacy Wall, which has a total of five levels of giving – 支持者 ($10,000- $24,999), 合作者 ($25,000-$49,999), 创新者 ($50,000-$99,999), 捐助者 ($100,000-$499,999) and 有远见的人 ($500,000+) – but donations of any size are welcome. To learn more about the Foundation, visit 3vbm.1e1v.com/ foundation.

CHC Legacy Society Members


Stanley Krasovec 
亨利的石头 & 伊莱恩·罗森
Nicolas Campos 
格洛丽亚 & 威廉 Harrison 
雷mond Pryke 
比尔 & 内尔达兰金 
芭芭拉·L. 史密斯 


威廉 & 保罗a Ahlborn
福勒斯特 & Valorie Greek
迈克尔 Orland
Diane Pfahler


唐纳德 & Carol Averill
大卫•阿维拉 & Ellen Benefiel
戈登 & 莎拉Clopine
多娜米. Ferracone 
理查德。 & Theresa Larsen
史蒂夫 & Rebeccah Marlatt 
帕特里克 & Cheryl Marshall 
布兰登 & 朱莉·麦基 
韦恩 & 多丽丝Milloy 
Dr. 冯氏阮 
詹姆斯 & Theresa Ramos 
Harvey 瑞克etts & Betty Jo Wood 
劳拉 & Jon 赢得ningham


迈克尔 & 卡拉桤木 
肯尼斯·雷 & Beverly Jean Amsden 
Patricia Atherton 
勒罗伊 & Marilyn Balch 
Cheryl Bardowell 
保罗 & 乔安Barich
布鲁斯 & Elizabeth Baron 
简K. Beitscher 
赢得 & 贝蒂·卡尔 
雷 & 玛吉凯西 
喜乐 & 路易Chavira 
威廉 & Lillian Clopine 
拉里 & 琳达做饭 
肯尼斯 & Wynona杜瓦尔 
路易 & Patricia Gomez 
道格拉斯C. Heller-Taylor 
利昂 & Francine Hellerman 
凯文 & 艾丽卡霍兰 
拉里 & Stephanie Houston 
布兰特 & 雪莉猎人 
JoAnne Jesson 
南希 & 加里Kasin 
托马斯。 & 乔西Konzem 
罗伯特B. 马丁 & 玛丽E. 戈尔兹伯勒 
Alaina Mathews 
瑞克 & 艾米Minjares 
威廉 & 琳达Nassar 
查理 & Tommi Ng 
大卫 & 黛安·雷利 
山姆 & Michelle Riggs 
Diana Rodriguez & 杰夫Barraza 
迈克尔 & 艾米强 
德怀特·泰特 & Katherine Wright 
鲍勃 & 朱迪泰森 
特蕾莎修女L. 瓦林 
格雷格 & Leslie Wessels 
丹尼尔 & 西莉亚的词 
基思 & 雪莉,维尔茨 
6月C. 山本